Data compression is the compacting of data by reducing the number of bits which are stored or transmitted. Because of this, the compressed info will take considerably less disk space than the initial one, so extra content could be stored on identical amount of space. You will find various compression algorithms which function in different ways and with several of them just the redundant bits are deleted, so once the info is uncompressed, there's no loss of quality. Others delete unneeded bits, but uncompressing the data afterwards will lead to reduced quality compared to the original. Compressing and uncompressing content takes a significant amount of system resources, especially CPU processing time, therefore any Internet hosting platform which employs compression in real time needs to have adequate power to support this feature. An example how information can be compressed is to substitute a binary code such as 111111 with 6x1 i.e. "remembering" what number of sequential 1s or 0s there should be instead of storing the actual code.

Data Compression in Cloud Website Hosting

The cloud hosting platform where your cloud website hosting account shall be created employs the impressive ZFS file system. The LZ4 compression method that the aforementioned employs is better in lots of aspects, and not only does it compress info better than any compression method that many other file systems use, but it's also much faster. The benefits are significant in particular on compressible content such as website files. While it could sound unreasonable, uncompressing data with LZ4 is faster than reading uncompressed data from a hard disk drive, so the performance of each and every Internet site hosted on our servers will be better. The better and quicker compression rates also allow us to produce multiple daily backups of the entire content in each web hosting account, so in the event you delete anything by accident, the last back-up copy that we have won't be more than a few hours old. This can be done because the backups take much less space and their generation is quick enough, so as to not influence the performance of our servers.

Data Compression in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The semi-dedicated hosting plans that we provide are created on a powerful cloud platform that runs on the ZFS file system. ZFS works with a compression algorithm known as LZ4 that outperforms any other algorithm you will find in terms of speed and compression ratio when it comes to processing web content. This is valid particularly when data is uncompressed because LZ4 does that more quickly than it would be to read uncompressed data from a hard disk drive and for that reason, sites running on a platform where LZ4 is enabled will work at a higher speed. We can benefit from the feature regardless of the fact that it requires quite a large amount of CPU processing time as our platform uses a wide range of powerful servers working together and we don't create accounts on just a single machine like the majority of companies do. There's another reward of using LZ4 - considering the fact that it compresses data rather well and does that speedily, we can also make several daily backups of all accounts without affecting the performance of the servers and keep them for a month. That way, you can always restore any content that you delete by accident.